Code of Conduct

VAQ’s Supplier Code of Conduct

VAQ’s Supplier Code of Conduct describes the principles that VAQ’s suppliers and, if used, sub-suppliers must comply with. VAQ sets high standards for its operations and its employees with respect to human rights, the working environment, and ethical business practices. High ethical and moral standards are embedded in our core values and in how VAQ does business and works. Our business partners must utilize business practices that meet all the requirements listed in this Code of Conduct.


From the establishment in 2017, focusing on traceability through all project phases has been a common denominator for all VAQ projects. This foundation enables our customers to optimize their processes and contribute to a greener, more efficient value chain.

As a leading company within the RAS industry and a long-term partner for our customers, we see it both as a duty and a major opportunity to help our customers choose sustainable solutions. Recirculation and minimizing the use of input factors are key elements when we design the RAS process, as well as handling waste from the fish growth process. Our commitment to environmental sustainability extends to the construction site, where we prioritize safe waste handling and decommissioning practices. This aligns with our overall business philosophy of minimizing our environmental impact.

VAQ’s methodology and core values are Genuine, Reliable, and Committed. Our core values are important to ensure cultural alignment in a growing company, and values we would like our vendors to reflect. These values guide our attitudes and actions. Violations of human rights, the work environment, business practices, etc. are not in line with our vision and ethical guidelines at VAQ.

Every member of our workforce upholds VAQ’s values. VAQ requires all its partners to do the same, and this document functions as a guide for all business dealings to ensure they abide by the same ethical principles as we do. The Supplier Code of Conduct sets the principles that VAQ requires its suppliers to accept and follow.

Who does the Supplier Code of Conduct apply to?

The Supplier Code of Conduct applies to all companies that supply products and/or services to VAQ. Sub-suppliers are included if relevant, as well as their employees. Suppliers are responsible for ensuring that everyone who is involved in doing business with VAQ has read, understood, and agreed to the principles presented in the Code of Conduct. Suppliers must have a process in place to ensure and verify compliance with the Code of Conduct and are responsible for ensuring that their sub-suppliers also abide by it.

What VAQ Requires of its Suppliers

Laws and regulations

VAQ requires its suppliers to respect and comply with the laws and regulations in the countries in which they operate. It is also important to VAQ that its suppliers comply with the principles set out in the UN Global Compact, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the fundamental ILO Conventions on Labor Rights and other relevant ILO Conventions, the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR), the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), and the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention.

These obligations include:

Labor rights and working conditions

Suppliers’ employees are entitled to be treated with dignity and respect. Employees must receive fair compensation, enjoy good working conditions, and not be subjected to discrimination. All employees must be treated equally, regardless of gender, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, age, disability, or any other status. Employees must work in safe and healthy conditions. They must have legitimate employment contracts, the right to a good standard of living, and general well-being. Furthermore, procedures for regulated working hours and compensation must be established and followed.

Child labor

VAQ does not accept any form of child labor. Our suppliers must fully comply with the ILO Conventions on child labor and children’s rights. It is crucial that suppliers do not allow any form of child labor in their value chain. If child labor is discovered, a thorough investigation must be conducted, and termination of the partnership may be a consequence. Suppliers are expected to have routines and processes in place to handle the situation, ensuring the best possible outcome for the child.

Freedom of Association and the Right to Organize

Employees must have the right to organize and the opportunity to join trade unions. They must also have the right to strike. Where local laws restrict these rights, suppliers must take steps to promote them based on human rights principles and the provisions set out in the relevant conventions.

Freedom from Forced Labor

All prohibitions against forced labor and slavery must be strictly observed. If evidence of modern slavery or forced labor is found, suppliers must have routines and procedures in place to mitigate the negative impact on human rights, with the aim of providing the best possible conditions for the affected individuals.


VAQ rejects all forms of corruption. VAQ requires that neither suppliers nor their managers or owners have been convicted of corruption, fraud, or money laundering. Suppliers are expected not to offer, promise, or give VAQ employees monetary gifts or other forms of compensation for the purpose of obtaining an advantage. If corruption or other violations of the Code of Conduct are suspected, VAQ encourages all parties to report the matter immediately.

Distortion of Competition and Confidentiality

Suppliers must always comply with applicable competition laws and regulations. Suppliers must not share information or enter into agreements with competitors, customers, or other suppliers in ways that violate competition laws. Any information obtained by suppliers through their collaboration with VAQ must be treated as confidential and must not, under any circumstances, be shared with third parties outside the provisions of the Transparency Act.

Payment of Taxes

Suppliers are expected to meet all obligations regarding registration and the payment of taxes (including indirect taxes, direct taxes, and social security contributions) throughout their entire supply chain.

Quality, Health, Safety, and Environment

VAQ requires that its suppliers identify risk factors related to quality, health, safety, and environmental issues and have systems and procedures in place to address these areas. VAQ will monitor and follow up the suppliers’ practices. The suppliers must demonstrate that their working conditions and production facilities are designed to minimize the risk of occupational accidents, injuries, and stress for employees, while also protecting the environment.


Suppliers must actively prevent and continually strive to limit any harmful environmental impacts resulting from their activities. Suppliers should perform all activities in an environmentally sustainable manner and comply with or exceed prevailing environmental standards. This includes reducing emissions to air, soil, and water. Suppliers’ services, products, and processes must be optimized to use energy, natural resources, and raw materials as efficiently as possible and to minimize waste and scrap. Suppliers must avoid materials and methods that pose environmental or climate risks when other viable alternatives exist.


VAQ reserves the right to visit suppliers to verify compliance with the Supplier Code of Conduct. If any lack of compliance with the points set out above is identified, sanctions will be determined based on the agreement between the parties. In the event of serious non-compliance, the contract may be terminated.