Privacy Policy

Who are we

Our website address is:

Under the new Act on Transparency — and general guidelines regarding the processing of information on websites and our relationship with it. This last: Although we do not allow comments or tracking on our website, we still post information about how this works due to requirements arising from Norway's membership in EQS.

Transparency Act

From 1. On July 2022, the new Law on the Transparency of Enterprises and Work with Fundamental Human Rights and Decent Working Conditions (the Transparency Act) comes into force. It “shall promote businesses' respect for fundamental human rights and decent working conditions in connection with the production of goods and the provision of services, and ensure public access to information on how businesses deal with adverse consequences for fundamental human rights and decent working conditions.”

VAQ is a business that will be covered by this Act, and in that regard we will be obliged to carry out due diligence assessments and define areas of our business that involve risks of violations of basic human rights and decent working conditions. These due diligence assessments are to be incorporated into an annual report that we will make public so that our customers and the general public generally have access to it. According to the legislation, the first report is to be published on 30.06.2023, but work on mapping and risk assessment is of course already underway.

At VAQ, we build RAS facilities for customers and we trade in input factors in the form of goods and services from many different countries. We estimate that this poses our absolute greatest areas of risk, and is where we place the main emphasis of our work. It is an ongoing process to follow up, and to ensure that we have good practices in place to detect and manage risks in our own supply chain and among the goods and services we purchase from others.

As a Norwegian company with a supply chain that can extend far, also from a global perspective, it is limited how much influence we as a business can have on the various links. By providing clear requirements and expectations for our suppliers and business partners in the form of Code-of-Conduct documents, as well as carefully selecting which suppliers we want to work with, we will have good control over risks in our own business.

People who want visibility into the work being done can send a written request to VAQ AS. Persons submitting a request are entitled to information about how the business deals with actual and potential adverse consequences under §4 of the Act. This includes both general information and information relating to a particular product or service offered by the business.

For more detailed information on the Act's purpose, scope, definitions, etc., please refer to:


When visitors post comments on the page, the information provided in the comment form is stored in addition to the IP address of the visitor and the visitor's browser version. This is done to help avoid frivolous comments.

An anonymous text string generated on the basis of your email address (also called a “hash”) may be sent to the Gravatar service to investigate whether you have an account there. The privacy statement of Gravatar is located here: After your comment has been approved, your profile picture will be visible to anyone associated with your comment.


If you upload photos to the site, you should avoid uploading photos that contain information about the location it was taken (EXIF GPS). Visitors to the site can download and extract such information from images on the page.


If you post a comment on this site, please ask us to remember your name, email and website. This information is stored in a cookie and is there to make things easier for you. You will then not have to re-enter this information the next time you post a comment. These cookies expire after one year.

If you visit our login page, we will create a temporary cookie to determine whether your browser accepts cookies. This cookie contains no personal data and disappears as soon as you close your browser.

When you log in, cookies are created that store your login information and choices you have made regarding how content is displayed. Cookies with login information expire after two days, while those with display choices last for one year. If you check the “Remember me” t; checkbox, your login information will be kept for two weeks. If you log out of your account, these cookies will disappear.

If you edit or publish an article, an additional cookie will be stored in your browser. This cookie contains no personal data, but only the ID of the article you just edited. It expires after one day.

Embedded content from other sites

Articles on this page may include embedded content (e.g. videos, photos, articles, etc.). Embedded content from other websites behaves in exactly the same way as if the visitor had visited the website from which the embedded content originates.

These websites may collect information about you, use cookies, embed third-party tracking systems, and monitor what you do via this embedded content. This also includes tracking your actions via the embedded content if you have an account and are logged in to the site.

Who we share your information with

If you request a password reset, your IP address will be included in the password reset email.

How long we keep information about you

If you leave a comment, the comment and information about the comment will be stored indefinitely. This is so that we can recognize follow-up comments and approve them automatically instead of putting them in a queue where they have to be manually approved by an editor.

For users who register on this website (if this possibility exists), personal data that they provide in their user profile is also stored. All users can view, edit and delete their own personal data at any time (except username). Site administrators can also view and edit this information.

Your rights when it comes to information about you

If you have an account on this website or have left comments, you can request an export file containing the personal data we hold about you. This includes any data you have provided to us. You can also request that we delete any personal data we hold about you. This does not include information we are required to store for administrative, legal or security reasons.

Where your information is sent

Visitor comments can be checked through an automatic recognition service against spam comments.